The list below does not include over one hundred technical reports for government agencies and industry that I authored or co-authored as a consulting risk scientist. The majority of the publications below were peer-reviewed.
Journal Articles and Proceedings Papers
- Tauxe J, Anderson D, Bandler A, Black P, Brittingham H, Crowell K, Duffy P, Fleury A, Gains-Germain L, Jennings T, Jordan A, Lee RC, Levitt D, Meeks P, Occhiogrosso G, Perona R, Rice A, Ryti R, Schaupp C. A preliminary radiological risk assessment model for disposition of remote-handled transuranic wastes at LANL Area G. Proceedings of Waste Management 2020, February 2020, Phoenix AZ.
- Schaupp C, Broms K, Gains-Germain L, Lee RC, Perona R, Black P. Radionuclide risk coefficient uncertainty distributions for use in performance assessments. Proceedings of Waste Management 2019, February 2019, Phoenix AZ.
- Tauxe J, Anderson D, Bandler A, Black P, Brittingham H, Broms K, Catlett K, Crowell K, Duffy P, Fleury A, Gains-Germain L, Higgs M, Jordan A, Lee RC, Levitt D, Linscome-Hatfield T, McCandless S, Meeks P, Occhiogrosso G, Perona R, Ryti R, Schaupp C, Sully M. A preliminary probabilistic performance assessment model for radiological and chemical contamination at the West Valley Site, New York. Proceedings of Waste Management 2019, February 2019, Phoenix AZ.
- Fleury A, Ryti R, Schaupp C., Perona R, Lee RC, Catlett K, Black P. Evaluating ecological risks in the West Valley Probabilistic Performance Assessment. Proceedings of Waste Management 2019, February 2019, Phoenix AZ.
- Ryti R, Perona R, Fleury A, Lee RC, Black P, Levitt D. Challenges to evaluating ecological risks in performance assessments. Proceedings of Waste Management 2018, February 2018, Phoenix AZ.
- Perona R, Lee RC, Tauxe J, Black P. A decision-based iterative modeling framework for probabilistic performance assessments. Proceedings of Waste Management 2018, February 2018, Phoenix AZ.
- Lee RC, Higgs M, Broms K, Perona R, Gains-Germain L, Black P. Capturing the “representative person” using exposure equations and input variable distributions. Proceedings of Waste Management 2018, February 2018, Phoenix AZ.
- Tauxe J, Black P, Crowe B, Crowell K, Fitchett S, Higgs M, Jordan A, Kelly R, Lee RC, Levitt D, Lockhart K, McDermott G, Occhiogrosso G, Perona R, Sully M. Decision and modeling strategy for a radiological risk assessment at Area G, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Proceedings of Waste Management 2017, February 2017, Phoenix AZ.
- Crowe B, Black P, Duffy P, Lee RC, Sully M, Tauxe J. Representation of global climate change in performance assessment models for disposal of radioactive waste. Proceedings of Waste Management 2017, February 2017, Phoenix AZ.
- Lee RC, Jones T, Chapman C. A decision analysis approach for risk management of near-Earth objects. Acta Astronautica 2014 103: 362-369.
- Lee RC, Nance P, Lamba A, Maier A. Cumulative risks in occupational settings: A checklist tool to support decision making. The Toxicologist 2014, 138 (1): 476.
- Lee RC. A decision analysis approach for risk management of near-Earth objects: Applicability to space weather events. Proceedings of the 2013 International Critical Infrastructure Protection and Space Weather Workshop. March 2013, Ottawa, ON.
- Tauxe J, Black P, Catlett K, Lee RC, Perona R, Stockton T, Sully M. Improving site-specific radiological performance assessments. Proceedings of Waste Management 2013, February 2013, Phoenix AZ.
- Black P, Tauxe J, Perona R, Shrum D, McCandless S, Lee RC, Balshi M, Catlett K, Fitzgerald M. Advancing performance assessment for disposal of depleted uranium at Clive, Utah. Proceedings of the Annual Waste Management Conference.2011, February 2011, Phoenix, AZ.
- Sklar D, Lee RC. What if high-quality care drove medical education? A multi-attribute approach. Academic Medicine 2010 85: 1401-4. PMID: 20736666
- Cook LS, Neilson HK, Lorenzetti DL, Lee RC. A systematic literature review of vitamin D and ovarian cancer risk. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2010 203 (1): 70. PMID: 20227054.
- Lee, RC, Cooke, DL, Richards, M. A system analysis of a suboptimal surgical experience. Patient Safety in Surgery 2009 3(1): 1. PMID: 19126219 (rated as “Highly Accessed” by the journal, and “Must Read” by the Faculty of 1000 Medicine)
- Lee RC, Zou D, Demetrick D, DiFrancesco L, Fassbender K, Stewart D. Costs associated with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patient treatment in a Canadian integrated cancer care centre. Value in Health 2008 11(2):221-30. PMID: 18380634
- Dunscombe P, Ekaette E, Lee RC, Cooke DL. Taxonomic applications in radiation therapy incident analysis. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 2008 71(1), Suppl. 1: 200-203. PMID: 18406929.
- Ekaette E, Lee RC, Cooke DL, Iftody S, Craighead P. Probabilistic fault tree analysis of a radiation treatment system. Risk Analysis 2007 Dec;27(6):1395-410. PMID: 18093042
- Lee RC, Berzins S, Alfieri N. Single-use device reuse risks. Canadian Journal of Infection Control 2007 Fall;22(3):142-146. PMID: 18044383
- Cooke DL, Yang H, Curry G, Rogers P, Rohleder T, Lee RC, Strong D. Introducing system dynamics modeling to health care in Alberta. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2007.
- Cooke DL, Dunscombe P, Lee RC. Using a survey of incident reporting and learning practices to improve organizational learning at a cancer care centre. Quality and Safety in Health Care 2007, 16: 342-348. PMID: 17913774
- Dunscombe P, Iftody S, Ploquin N, Ekaette E, Lee RC. The Equivalent Uniform Dose as a severity metric for radiation treatment incidents. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2007 Jul;84(1):64-6. PMID: 17586076
- Ekaette E, Lee RC, Cooke DL, Kelly KL, Dunscombe P. Risk analysis in radiation treatment: Application of a new taxonomic structure. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2006 80: 282-287. PMID: 16884798
- Ekaette E, Lee RC, Kelly KL, Dunscombe P. A Monte Carlo simulation approach to the characterization of uncertainties in cancer staging and radiation treatment decisions. Journal of the Operational Research Society 2007 58: 177-185.
- Lee RC, Ekaette E, Kelly KL, Craighead P, Newcomb C, Dunscombe P. Implications of cancer staging uncertainties in radiation therapy decisions. Medical Decision Making 2006 26(3): 226-238. PMID: 16751321
- Lee RC, Ekaette E, Cooke DL, Kelly KL, Dunscombe P. The challenge of modelling patient safety risk management in a complex health care environment. Clinical and Investigative Medicine 2005 28(6). PMID: 16450630
- Patten SB, Lee RC. Describing major depression incidence and recurrence patterns using Markov models: Data integration across 3 national surveys. Population Health Metrics 2005 3(11). PMID: 16288648
- Lee RC, Kmet L, Cook L, Lorenzetti D, Godlovitch G, Einsiedel E. Risk assessment for inherited susceptibility to cancer: A review of the psychosocial and ethical dimensions. Genetic Testing 2005 9(1): 66-79. PMID: 15857189
- Patten SB, Lee RC. Epidemiological theory, decision theory, and mental health services research. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2004 39: 893-898. PMID: 15549241
- Patten SB, Lee RC. Refining estimates of major depression incidence and episode duration in Canada using a Monte Carlo Markov model. Medical Decision Making 2004 24(4): 351-358. PMID: 15271273
- Patten SB Lee RC. Towards a dynamic description of major depression epidemiology. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale 2004, 13(1): 21-28. PMID: 15248391
- Lee RC, Donaldson C, Cook LS. The need for evolution in health care decision modeling. Medical Care 2003, 41(9):1024-1033. PMID: 12972842
- Lee RC, Marshall D, Waddell C, Hailey D, Juzwishin D. Health technology assessment, research, and implementation within a health region in Alberta, Canada. Int. J. Tech. Assess. Health Care 2003, 19(3):513-520. PMID: 12962337
- Wong EY, Ponce RA, Farrow S, Bartell SM, Lee RC, Faustman EM. Comparative risk and policy analysis in environmental health. Risk Analysis 2003, 23(6):1337-1349. PMID: 14641905
- Patten SB, Lee RC. Modeling methods for facilitating decisions in pharmaceutical policy and population therapeutics. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2002,11:165-168.24. PMID: 11998542
- Lee RC, Robinson R, Kennedy M, Swanson S, Nahir M, Identification of long-term environmental monitoring needs at a former uranium mine, pp. 435-442. In: Environmental Issues and Management of Waste in Energy and Mineral Production, 2000, R. Singhal, A. Mehrotra, eds., A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam.
- Ponce RA, Bartell SM, LaFlamme D, Carrington C, Lee RC, Faustman EM and Bolger PM. Use of quality-adjusted life year weights with dose-response models for public health decisions: a case study of the risks and benefits of fish consumption. Risk Analysis 2000, 20:529-542. PMID: 11051076
- Lee RC, Swenson L and Kelman BJ. Uncertainty associated with carcinogenic potency of ethylene dibromide, The Toxicologist 1999, 48:398.
- Lee RC, Bartell SM, Ponce RA, Cullen AC, Eaton DL and Faustman EM. The value of biomarker information in risk based decisions regarding aflatoxin control, The Toxicologist 1998, 42:60
- Ponce RA, Bartell SM, LaFlamme D, Carrington C, Faustman EM, Lee RC, and Bolger PM. 1998. Quantitative analysis of risks and benefits for public health decisions applied to fish consumption, The Toxicologist,1998, 42:45
- Bartell SM, Ponce RA, Lee RC, Takaro TK, Omenn GS and Faustman EM. Evaluating risk assessment biomarkers using the value-of-information framework, pp. 1165-71. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Decommissioning and Decontamination and on Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management, 1998, Denver, Colorado, September 13-18, American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois.
- Ponce RA, Bartell SM, Kavanagh TJ, Woods JS, Griffith WC, Lee RC, Takaro TK, and Faustman EM. Uncertainty analysis methods for comparing predictive models and biomarkers: a case study of dietary methylmercury exposure. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 1998, 28: 96-105. PMID: 9927559
- Lee RC and Kissel JC. Prediction of exposures to arsenic-contaminated residential soil using Monte Carlo simulation: a comparison with biomonitoring data. Environ. Geochem. & Health.1995, 17: 159-168.
- Lee RC, Fricke JR, Wright WE and Haerer W. Development of a probabilistic blood lead prediction model. Environ. Geochem. & Health. 1995, 17: 169-181.
- Lee RC and Wright WE. Development of human exposure factor distributions using maximum-entropy inference. J. Expos. Anal. & Environ. Epi. 1995, 4: 329-341.
- Lovenberg TW, Brewster WK, Mottola WK, Lee RC, Riggs RM, Nichols DE, Lewis MH and Mailman RB. 1989. Dihydrexidine, a novel selective high potency full D1 dopamine receptor Agonist. Eur. J. Pharm. 1989, 166:111-113.
- Cook LS, Neilson HK, Lee RC. 2010. Reply to Grant, WB’s correspondence, “Good evidence exists that solar ultraviolet-B and vitamin D reduce the risk of ovarian cancer”. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2010. PMID: 20579963
- Lee RC. Why reinvent risk? Nature Biotechnology 2003, 21: 229. PMID: 12610562
Book Chapters
- Lee, RC. Tools for risk management. In: Quality Assurance and Safety for Radiotherapy (Pawlicki, Dunscombe, Mundt, Scalliet, editors), 2010. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
- Lee, RC. Risk analysis and risk management of radiation treatment for breast and other cancers. In: New Cancer Research Developments (T. Ford, editor). 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.
- Lee RC, Cook LS. Risk management decision-making in a high risk recreational activity: lessons from mountaineering. In: Psychology of Decision Making in Education, Behavior and High Risk Situations (J. Elsworth, editor). 2007. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.
- Lee RC. Decision analysis. In: The Encyclopaedia of Epidemiology (S. Boslaugh, editor). 2007, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
- Kelman BJ and Lee RC, Toxicology, uncertainty, and health risk assessment. In: Waste-Management: From Risk to Remediation (Bhada, Ghassemi, Ward, Jamshidi, Shahinpoor, editors) 1995, ECM Press, Albuquerque, NM.
Invited Commentaries
- Black PB, Lee RC, Crowe B, Cox, B. Radioactive Futurology: Issues Associated with Regulatory Compliance Periods for Radioactive Waste Disposal. Radwaste Solutions 2016, 21(3): 26-35.
- Lee RC. A new approach to patient safety. Techwise Newsletter 2005, # 26. Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.
- Lee RC. Life, death and taxes: Risk and decision analysis in patient safety. OR/MS Today 2005, 32(3): 18-19.
- Lee RC. Risky genomics: The roles of risk/benefit assessment and rational decision frameworks, Information Systems for Biotechnology News Report, May, 2003
- Lee RC, Robinson R, Swanson S, Cline P, Goudey S, Smith LW. A rational, quantitative decision framework for endocrine-disrupting chemical control and testing, SETAC Globe, Vol. 1, No. 1, January-February 2000
Health System Reports
- Marshall D, Rogers P, Rohleder T, Vanderby S, Chuck A, Cooke D, Faris P, Frank C, Fyie K, Jonsson E, Kozak S, Lee RC, et al. 2010. System Dynamics Modeling: A Decision Support Tool to Improve Care for Hip & Knee Osteoarthritis. Institute of Health Economics.
- McIsaac M, Lee RC, Noseworthy T. Hip Replacement and Resurfacing: Current Considerations on Metal-on-Metal Arthroplasty. 2007. Rapid review produced for the Alberta Health Technologies Decision Process (Alberta Health and Wellness report).
- Lee RC, McIsaac M, Berzins S. Issues Associated with Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). 2007. Rapid review produced for the Alberta Health Technologies Decision Process (Alberta Health and Wellness report).
- Cooke DL, Dubetz M, Heshmati R, Iftody S, McKimmon E, Powers J, Lee RC, Dunscombe PB. A Reference Guide for Learning from Incidents in Radiation Treatment. 2006. Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Health Technology Assessment series
- Simon A, Lee RC, Cooke DL, Lorenzetti D. Institutional Medical Incident Reporting Systems: A Review. 2005. Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Health Technology Assessment series.
- Kmet L, Lee RC, Cook L, Lorenzetti D, Godlovitch G, Einsiedel E. A systematic review of the social, ethical, and legal dimensions of genetic cancer risk assessment technologies. 2004. Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Health Technology Assessment series.
- Kmet L, Lee RC, Cook L. Standard quality assessment criteria for evaluating primary research papers from a variety of fields. 2004. Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Health Technology Assessment series.
Conference Abstracts and Presentations
- Lee RC, Crowe B, Black P. Radioactive futures: The problem with intergenerational radioactive waste disposal compliance periods. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2014. Denver, CO.
- Lee RC, Jones TD, Chapman C. A decision analysis framework for risk management of near Earth objects. Proceedings of the International Academy of Astronautics Planetary Defense Conference. 2013. Flagstaff, AZ.
- Lee RC, Jones TD, Chapman C. A decision analysis framework for risk management of near Earth objects. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2012. San Francisco, CA.
- Lee RC, Black P, Perona R, Tauxe J. An alarum for ALARA: Decision analysis applied to radiation protection. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2012. San Francisco, CA.
- Perona R, Lee RC, Black P, Tauxe J, Stockton T, Fitzgerald M, Balshi M, Catlett K. A probabilistic depleted uranium performance assessment: Methodology and results. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2011. Charleston, SC.
- Lee RC, Ryti R, Fitzgerald M, Black P. Natural resource damage assessment, risk assessment, and decision analysis: Why can’t we all be friends? Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2011. Charleston, SC.
- Gray G, Francis R, Caruthers J, Malczynski L, Lee RC. Preferences related to urban sustainability under risk, uncertainty, and dynamics: A combined elicitation and modelling approach. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2011. Charleston, SC.
- Vanderby S, Marshall D, Carter MW, Lee RC, Rogers P, Noseworthy T. A decision support tool for hip and knee osteoarthritis health service delivery. Proceedings of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting. 2011. Charlotte, NC.
- Carter M, Marshall D, Vanderby S, Rogers P, Noseworthy T, Lee RC. A decision support tool for hip and knee osteoarthritis health service delivery. Proceedings of the Annual European working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS). 2011. Cardiff, Wales.
- Lee RC, Forman S, Culpepper J, Richards M. Risk attitudes and personality characteristics of emergency physicians. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2010. Salt Lake City, UT.
- Perona R, Lee RC, Stockton T, Tauxe J, Black P. Probabilistic modeling of human exposure and dose in performance assessments of radioactive waste disposal. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2010. Salt Lake City, UT.
- Morrison M, Shuster W, Jacobs S, Dyson B, Lee RC, Balshi M, Fitzgerald M, Houghteling W, Stockton T. Lots of opportunity: Green infrastructure and sustainable urban land use decision analysis approach for Cleveland. Reclaiming Vacant Properties: the Intersection of Sustainability, Revitalization, and Policy Reform. 2010. Cleveland, OH.
- Lee RC, Malczynski L, Cooke DL, Rohleder T, Thompson K, Baker J, Sapien R, Elgie R, Richards M. Multi-method dynamic modeling applied to health systems safety research. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2009. Baltimore MD.
- Lee RC, Ekaette E, Cooke DL, Iftody S, Craighead P. Fault tree analysis of patient preparation incidents in radiation treatment for cancer. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2007. San Antonio TX.
- Lee RC, Cook LS. Risk management decision-making in a high risk recreational activity: Lessons from mountaineering. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis. 2007. San Antonio TX.
- Ekaette E, Lee RC, Cooke D, Iftody S, Craighead P. Application of fault tree analysis to radiotherapy. Proceedings of the International Federation for Operational Research Societies International Conference. 2007. Rio Mar, Puerto Rico.
- Berzins S, Lee RC, Alfieri N. Review of risk issues associated with reuse of single-use devices. Proceedings of the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health Invitational Symposium. 2007. Ottawa, ON.
- McIsaac M, Lee RC, Berzins S. Review of issues associated with assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). Proceedings of the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health Invitational Symposium. 2007. Ottawa, ON.
- Berzins S, Lee RC, Alfieri N. Review of risk issues associated with reuse of single-use devices. Proceedings of the Health Technology Assessment International Annual Meeting. 2007. Barcelona, Spain.
- Ekaette E, Lee RC, Cooke DL. A structured process for building fault trees to estimate risks associated with radiation treatment for cancer. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2006. Baltimore, MD.
- Lee RC, Ekaette E, Cooke DL. Risk analysis of radiation treatment for cancer: A probabilistic fault tree approach. Proceedings of the “Halifax 6” Canadian Healthcare Safety Symposium, 2006. Vancouver BC.
- Cooke DL, Dubetz M, Ekaette E, Heshmati R, Iftody S, McKimmon E, Powers J, Lee RC, Dunscombe P. Learning from incidents in radiation treatment. Proceedings of the 10th Biennial European Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2006. Birmingham, UK.
- Cooke DL, Dubetz M, Ekaette E, Heshmati R, Iftody S, McKimmon E, Powers J, Lee RC, Dunscombe P. Learning from incidents in radiation treatment. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Congress, National Patient Safety Foundation, 2006. San Francisco, CA.
- Lee RC, Patten S. Markov modeling of major depression dynamics. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2005. San Francisco, CA.
- Ekaette E, Lee RC, Dunscombe P. Risk analysis in radiation oncology: A taxonomic and causal structure. Proceedings of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting, 2005. San Francisco, CA
- Kelly KL, Lee RC, Ekaette E, Cooke D, Newcomb C, Craighead P, Dunscombe P. Quantitative approaches to patient safety: Research in risk analysis and resource management as applied to radiotherapy. Proceedings of the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncologists Annual Meeting, 2005. Victoria, BC.
- Cooke DL, Lee RC, Dunscombe P. A new approach to patient safety in the radiation treatment process for cancer. Proceedings of the Triennial Meeting of the International Federation for Operational Research Societies, 2005. Honolulu, HI.
- Lee RC. Life, death, and taxes: Risk management in health care. Proceedings of the Canadian Operations Research Society Annual Meeting , 2005. Halifax, NS.
- Lee RC, Ekaette E, Kelly KL, Newcomb C, Craighead C, Dunscombe, P. A linked influence diagram/Bayesian network model of risk management in radiotherapy. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 2004. Palm Springs CA.
- Lee RC, Ekaette E, Kelly KL, Newcomb C, Craighead C, Dunscombe, P. A probabilistic model of catastrophic medical errors in radiotherapy. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2004. Atlanta, GA.
- Kmet LM, Lee RC, Cook, LS. A systematic review of the social, ethical, and legal dimensions of genetic cancer risk assessment and screening technologies. Proceedings of the Annual Genome Canada GE3LS Winter Symposium, 2004. Vancouver, BC.
- Lee RC, Dunscombe P, Mobit P, Kelly KL, Brand K, Gray G, Currie G, Craighead P. An analytic framework for assessment of rare, catastrophic risks to radiation oncology patients. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 2003, Baltimore, MD.
- Lee RC. A framework for assessing the benefits, risks, and costs of genomic and proteomic technologies, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2003, Canmore, AB.
- Lee RC, Donaldson C, Cook L. The need for evolution in health care decision modeling, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2003, Canmore, AB.
- Lee RC, Waddell C, Juzwishin D. Integration of health technology assessment and implementation into health region business planning, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2003, Canmore, AB.
- Lee RC, Dunscombe P, Kelly KL, Mobit P. A decision analytic framework for assessment of catastrophic risks to radiation oncology patients, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2003, Canmore, AB.
- Lee RC. A framework for assessing the benefits, risks, and costs of genomic and proteomic technologies, Proceedings of the first Genome Canada GE3LS Winter Symposium, 2003, Montreal.
- Lee RC. A systematic review of the social, ethical, and legal dimensions of genomic and proteomic cancer risk assessment and screening technologies, Proceedings of the first Genome Canada GE3LS Winter Symposium, 2003, Montreal,
- Patten SB, Lee RC. Use of Markov models for assessing the impact of antidepressants on population health, Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics Annual Forum. Toronto, April 14-16, 2002. Abstract published in the Canadian Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2002; 8: 50.
- Lee RC, Waddell C, Marshall D, Hailey D, Juzwishin D. A collaborative approach to formation of a regional health technology assessment and implementation unit in Canada, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2002, Berlin, Germany.
- Lee RC, Marshall L. Brown G, Use of regional exposure and health outcome information in human and ecological risk assessment: cumulative effects assessment in the northern Alberta oil sands region, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 2001, Seattle, WA.
- Wong EY, Ponce RA, Farrow S, Bartell SM, Lee RC, Faustman EM. Quantitative methods for comparative risk and policy analysis, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 2001, Seattle, WA.
- Lee RC, Donaldson C, Cook LS. Decision analysis of breast cancer prophylactic strategies in postmenopausal women: a Canadian perspective. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 2000, Philadelphia, PA.
- Cline PV, Pammer C, Lee RC. Decision making on hormonally active substances: U.S. testing program, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta, October 4-6, 1999, Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2293, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
- Lee RC, Smith LW, Goudey JS, Swanson SM. A quantitative decision framework for evaluating the value of endocrine disruption test information, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta, October 4-6, 1999, Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2293, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
- Ponce RA, Bartell SM, LaFlamme D, Carrington C, Faustman EM, Lee RC, Bolger PM. Development of public health assessments that consider risks from methylmercury and nutritional benefits of fish consumption, V International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Lee RC, Luebeck EG, Bartell SM, Ponce RA and Faustman EM. Simulation studies examining possible mechanisms of trichloroethylene carcinogenicity, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 1997, New Orleans, LA.
- Lee RC, Luebeck EG, Curtis SB, Bartell SM and Faustman EM. Evaluation of potential cancer risks associated with chemical mixtures using biologically based dose-response models, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 1996, New Orleans, LA.
- Ferson S and Lee RC. A computational alternative to second-order Monte Carlo simulation for propagation of variability and uncertainty in exposure assessments, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 1996, New Orleans, LA.
- Lee RC and Simpson J. Avoiding pitfalls in probabilistic health risk assessment, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 1995, Honolulu, HI.
- Lee RC, Fox G, Zapf-Gilje R, McFarlane M, Swenson L and Kelman B. The British Columbia human health risk assessment framework. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 1995, Honolulu, HI.
- Lee RC, Wright WE, Haerer W and Fricke JR. Development of a probabilistic blood lead prediction model. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 1994, Baltimore, MD.
- Lee RC and Wright WE. Development of human exposure- and toxicity-factor distributions using maximum-entropy inference. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 1994, Baltimore, MD.
- Wright WE, Lee RC and Fox GR. Probabilistic prediction of human health risks at an arsenic-contaminated residential site in British Columbia. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Risk Analysis, 1994, Baltimore, MD.